Expansion to foreign markets can be achieved by the following mechanisms:
- Exporting
- Licensing
- Joint Venture
- Direct Investment
As a EU-wide expert, we help you building up bridges by individual agreements that adapt to your business. We avoid adapting your organisation to standard procedures and risk uneffectiveness and a slower development of your business.

First steps of any legal organisation are general agreements, following steps go down to quality standards, rules for distributers and measures to register and defend trade marks and internet domains.
Detailed contracts and a close documentation with co founders and business partners avoid misunderstanding that leads to disputes and legal battles.
To avoid high costs caused by ineffectiveness, we use the experience of established distribution companies, who have already successfully solved the multiple organisation problems.
With general terms of delivery as a basis for contracts in Germany and the EU, you avoid unnecessary claims and confusion in your distribution organisation. We adapt your standards to the EU, British or Swiss legal system – with adaption to the national interpretation by courts. As the EU is not a state, there can also be relevant difference
The decision to establish a distribution system which is directed from home does not exclude an independent organisation in Germany, which can be adapted to local circumstances.
We support your management to outline a financial and cost plan that will be strictly oriented by your individual facts.
We are looking forward to your questions and demands: consulting@ramusiol.de