Strategic consulting and representation – how we do it

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Our international Network of Experts for small and medium-sized companies and its milestones of success

With our flexible European network we can solve your problems and support your business in an effective way.
Services are not restricted by our available experts like in most law firms.Portrait RA Stefan Musiol

  • Instead, we deliver strategic planning under the conditions of European laws, always considering your interests, given targets, goals and decisions
    – as a first step

  • If necessary we determine the most experienced expert for the occurring legal problems – in a second step:

Experts can also be experienced scientists at university or respected members in international law firms, maybe also a retired colleague who is well known for his experience in the certain subject.
Thus we can provide best expertise without the costs of an apparatus in a law firm including the expensive, premium located office buildings. According to our opinion and experience, expensive buildings are not a sign of best quality but a guarantee for higher bills.

Law firms have to cover the representation of a client completely to be cost-effective:



Strategic Consulting instead of aimless lawsuits without economic sense

For 20 years we have been  following the principle of a goal oriented, pragmatic approach to problems instead of focussing on one legal problem or case without considering the strategic goal of the client. The strategy always includes psychological conditions and flexibles ways to find solutions avoiding the long way of fights at court

Without exception, this strategic approach showed success in thousands of single cases, has shortened procedures and found pragmatic results.

Some relevant Milestones in the legal work of Stefan Musiol, the founder:

1999 – 2006     Legal representation of a French citizen and victim of NS-regime against city of Potsdam and the Federal Republic of Germany. Demands were based on restitution-laws and state liability.  Despite heavy defense action by the representatives of the state the optimum result was reached (payment of almost 400.000 € in 2006)RA Musiol vor Büroeingang
2007 – 2013      Strategic legal representation of several victims of a Mafia-kind gang operating with falsified and by cheating achieved executory titles. The enforcement title issued by a succeeding bank after the first corrupted German bank that
 co-operated with the criminals employees was liquidated showed 1,4 Mio €. Stefan Musiol succeeded in parrying off the demand completely in several trials. The bank was sentenced to compensate all damages of the client. Another client lost real estate of estimated 5 Mio. € to the gang. Musiol succeeded in a recompensating to the client to full satisfaction without trial.
2007 – today: Successful strategic consulting to ensure a sustainable growth for direct marketing of innovative, natural pet food and supplements. Starting with less than 1 Mio. € the company’s turnover has been constantly growing to 80 Mio. €.
2013 – today      Successful legal backing of a company starting with a turnover of 1 Mio € pa to 60 Mio € in 2018 against many attempts of competitors that fell back and tried to stop the extraordinary successful client. Stefan Musiol could reach the legal success by a succeeding in all relevant lawsuits.
2013 – 2021    Successful strategic representation and claim in a combined patent-shareholder case for a company seated in India. The German defendant was sentenced by the patent special court in Mannheim to the full compensation of the investment 1.05 Mio. € + interest, the amount he claimed.
2023 Germany/USA: About product contents and quality cheating company using snowball distribution with private customers uncovered and blocked for a competitor
2024  prohibition orders against two competitive and illegal products



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 Strategic Management 

Christina Maechler

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